Saturday, November 3, 2012

Job Perks

Hello Lovies,
It's been a super long while since I've blogged. Life is busy, yada, yada, yada.
Today I wanted to share a little awesomeness that I've fallen into.
You know, so you guys get super jealous! tee hee

My company Hello Sweetcheeks does Social Media for a handful of Small Businesses/Artists.
It's pretty much THE best job I've EVER had. I seriously LOVE doing it.
Not only is the job super awesome, but the perks...oh mah gah, the perks!!!

Take for instance my super awesome and amazingly wonderful client and friend, Debra. She owns like the BEST Scottish Shortbread company, ever.
Douglas Sweets is made up of Debra and her four children. They make some seriously delicious cookies, and I'm not just saying that because they are my client and friends! I swear!

For my birthday I received the MOTHERLOAD of all motherloads of Scottish Shortbread!!

Let's count the packages, shall we? 1...2...3........15!!!
Holy Schmolies!!
Man, do I LOVE my job!!

Now what I'm not going to tell you is how many shortbread cookies I ate for breakfast today!!

If you want to check out their tasty treats for yourself, visit their shop & order up whatever flavors you would like! Douglas Sweets Shop.
But, don't blame ME if you become addicted!

Now, how jealous are you?

1 comment:

Starting Tartlet said...

YUM! That shortbread really IS the best shortbread ever!