We attended our first Roller Derby last night, GCDG vs Blitzburgh Bombers...and we are hooked!!! It was AWESOME! and it made me realize I want to be a roller derby girl now even more than before. I could do this!! I HAVE to rearrange my schedule to make this happen.
Soooo we've interacted on Twitter, but I'd never read your blog before. So today while procrastinating at work I gave it a looksee. a) It's great! I've added it to my faves. b) OK, wait, so you're into crafting AND cupcakes AND ROLLER DERBY? I went to my first bout in March too and was totally hooked. I bought speed skates, gear and a bright pink helmet with my tax return and started training! I think I've found my blogging soul sister! heheh Dana The Angry Cupcake
What a crazy coincidence! I just saw the movie Whipit! and it TOTALLY made me want to be a Roller Girl! How fun!
that movie is AWESOME!!!
I love roller derby! Saw a bout in some strange gym in Manhattan and was hooked. These pics are rad!
Those Pictures are Fantastic! Thank you for sharing them with us and for coming out. We are so glad you had fun!
-Heinous Grace
Jammer Referee
That loooks like so much fun, great shots! :O)
Awesome! My sister keeps talking about roller derby. She bought roller derby skates at an estate sale this weekend to test the waters.
Sunday night at Gold Coast Skating Rink (2604 S. Miami Rd 33316) is Fresh Meat night!! Rearrange that schedule and come play!!
That outdoor track looks awesome. How fun!
Yes, you CAN DO IT! Read my book, then email me with questions or if you need encouragement. Let's get you on skates!
Looks like so much fun!
oh that is so damn cool!
Soooo we've interacted on Twitter, but I'd never read your blog before.
So today while procrastinating at work I gave it a looksee.
a) It's great! I've added it to my faves.
b) OK, wait, so you're into crafting AND cupcakes AND ROLLER DERBY? I went to my first bout in March too and was totally hooked. I bought speed skates, gear and a bright pink helmet with my tax return and started training!
I think I've found my blogging soul sister! heheh
The Angry Cupcake
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